Future of Solar Energy: Trends for
                                        Solar Panel
                                        Installation Services

Future of Solar Energy: Trends for Solar Panel Installation Services

Discover the latest solar services that are trending in the market. From solar panel installation to maintenance and repair, our experts offer comprehensive solutions for your home or business.

The use of electricity is proportional to the cost of energy. This means that the more electricity you use, the more you'll be required to spend on it. To add insult to injury, it is an age where nearly all technology-related devices require constant power to function at the level we want them to. Because of this, the cost of electricity will continue to increase for as long as we keep using our tech devices to perform our daily tasks.

1. The solar energy industry and climate change

Since carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have risen dramatically over the last few decades, climate change's danger has increased. Every part of the United States may access solar energy, a renewable and carbon-free energy source that has significant potential to reduce the country's GHG emissions. Any proposal for a market or policy to combat climate change must include a significant investment in solar and other renewable energy sources to ensure the economy in a sustainable, affordable future.

Quick Facts

  • The electric power industry is among the biggest greenhouse gas emitters in the United States, representing 28 percent of the total emissions.

  • Both concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) technologies generate pure, emission-free electricity that can help reduce U.S. GHG emissions.

  • Solar cooling and heating systems can supply around 80 percent of the energy required to heat water and space heating requirements..

2. The long-term future of solar farms on a large scale

The choice of where solar projects will be located is one of the first decisions that must be made during a project's timetable for development. Though residential solar installations are often found on rooftops, larger-scale utility and commercial solar projects offer greater flexibility in locating. In the process of the United States working toward decarbonizing the electric grid until 2035, solar power will need to grow to 1 terawatt (TW), which will require a greater variety of configurations for sitting. There are around 100 TW of solar photovoltaic power within the U.S., which includes 1 TW for buildings, 27 TW in agricultural areas, 2 TW in brownfields, and 2 TW of floating solar.

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is a research institute focusing on reducing the cost and impact of locating solar panels.

3. Transportation using solar energy

Alternative energy sources, such as solar power, are gaining popularity and attracting the attention of various industries. The transportation industry is not an exception, so what should be expected in the coming years? Learn more in this article.

Are you also considering using solar energy to power your car or home? It's recommended to speak to various solar panel manufacturers in your region to determine what options are available.

Experts at Arise Solar can connect you to up to three installers certified through our network, thereby making it easier for you to avoid the trouble of searching for reliable installers on your own. You'll get a quote from each installer so that you can evaluate their costs and select the most competitive price.

The first solar-powered bus in the world was introduced in 2013 in Adelaide, Australia. Adelaide's city council was focused on cutting down on the city's carbon emissions since more than 30 percent of the carbon emissions were derived from transport, both private and public.

There are several exciting projects in the works. In particular, if you love boats, you have to be familiar with PlanetSolar, the world's largest solar-powered vessel. If you're more interested in aviation and flying, SolarImpulse will surely appeal to you.


The boat uses zero gas and creates zero CO2 emissions. It is entirely dependent on its 29124 photovoltaic cells. The energy gathered from these cells allows the boat to move at full speed, even in total darkness (up to 72 hours! ).

The boat can hold up to 60 people and meet all their needs by using pure solar energy. Its top speed is 26km/h, with an average of about 10km/h. It has proven to be a complete success, with many amazing expeditions over the past three years. There is much more to be expected from PlanetSolar shortly, and we are ecstatic to find out what the vessel is capable of.


It is the only plane capable of flying both at night and daytime, using solar power. It is the most ambitious solar aircraft development to date. Its current goal is to complete the first solar flight around the world. Its goals are supported by 12 years of feasibility studies, concepts, and design development.

The project has support from 50 engineers, 80 technology partners, and over 100 suppliers and advisors. SolarImpluse 2 is the final aircraft. SolarImpluse 2 has to undertake minor tweaks before taking off for the skies and completing the world's first solar-powered around-the-world flight in 2015.

4. Technological advances in solar panels

Let's look at some of the most recent technological advances in solar technology, which are helping pave the way toward a cleaner, brighter future.

Solar Efficiency

The efficiency of solar cells has increased at a phenomenal rate over the past decade. Solar efficiency can be measured by the amount of light (irradiation) that hits the surface of the solar panel and is utilized for energy conversion. Recent developments in photovoltaic technology have led to a 15% to more than 20% increase in conversion efficiency.

One reason that can cause an efficiency loss is the variation in the sun's angle throughout the daytime as the Earth revolves around its axis. Solar tracking devices, designed to tilt and align the panels in the direction of the sun, first appeared in the latter part of the 80s, but the technology was still some way to go. Today the solar panel with sun tracking on one axis can achieve gains of between 25 and 35 percent.

Solar Storage

Another issue with solar energy is that the sun's light doesn't reflect off solar panels in the evening. So during the dark hours, the point is not converted into electricity. In May 2016, Enel Green Power North America developed a solar power plant that could generate electricity at night by storing energy from the sun's rays during the day in a battery.

When Stanford University researchers developed solar panels that generate power at night using a thermoelectric generator, the nighttime solar industry made another breakthrough. This year's research proves that these nighttime cells generated enough energy to provide power to a cellphone.

New Materials

The latest advancement in materials could move solar cells technology beyond the limitation of silicon. In 2016, scientists developed the first solar cells made of perovskite crystals that can be as much as 20 percent better than silicon-based solar cells. However, silicon is still more efficients than perovskite-based solar cells in terms of viability for commercial uses. In June of 2022, scientists from Princeton University developed the first commercially viable perovskite solar cell that can be produced at room temperature and use less energy than silicon-based solar cells. The lower cost of production and enhanced sustainability when at a utility-scale with a life expectancy of 30 years is a major development for solar energy companies. The cells of Perovskite are more flexible and transparent, which increases the possibilities of their use and application.

Innovative Designs

Additionally, there have been exciting and exciting advances in the field of solar technology, like solar cells that can be printed that are lightweight, flexible, and placed on a variety of different materials. They can also be produced in smaller sizes and incorporated into electronic devices like tablets, phones, and laptops.

The world witnessed the first production-ready solar-powered vehicle. While electric cars have been around for a long time, this is the first car in production with solar panels. Are being used to charge the vehicle's battery as driving, adding 44 miles daily to the 388 miles it travels between the battery's charge.

5. Conserve money and save your energy

A few years ago, installing solar panels on a house's roof was unusual. With the advancement of technology and the increasing cost of electric power, this is one of the most satisfying things you can do at home. Installing solar panels in your home can greatly help in saving energy. If your location receives plenty of sunshine year-round, installing solar panels to generate electricity is a smart investment to lower your electric bill.

The sun is an affordable and reliable energy source. Since the sun is omnipresent and unstoppable, it can be harnessed to supply our power needs in the daytime.