Differences Between Residential
                                        and Commercial Solar Power

Differences Between Residential and Commercial Solar Power

There are two types of solar energy systems: commercial and residential. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, so pick the best one for you.

Homeowners and businesses alike are increasingly interested in switching to solar energy. But with such growing interest comes an increase in demand. There are differences between solar panels, so consumers need to know about them. Study these distinctions if you're looking for solar solutions in Delaware. We look at the main differences between commercial and residential solar panels.

Residential and commercial solar panels

Residential and commercial solar panels

Commercial Systems

Renewable energy is defined in the National Electrical Code as energy generated without utility interconnection and sold commercially.

Residential Systems

Typically, grid-tied systems mean that they connect to the grid of a public utility and create solar power for homeowners to use. They can vary in dimensions, ranging from a few Kilowatts (kW) to many megawatts (MW). Commercial solar panels are usually larger, with some installations exceeding 1 GW.

Can commercial solar panels be used to power residential solar systems?

Yes, commercial solar panels can be used in a residential system, and a solar panel for residential use is a good choice for commercial systems. Still, there are a few differentiators in every solar panel.Commercial solar installations have higher energy output.

Commercial vs Residential Equipment

Commercial vs Residential Equipment

Residential and commercial solar installations require different equipment. Commercial solar power systems use more cells, inverters, and mounting systems. Power purchase agreements often accompany commercial solar installations.

The best solar panels for your house or business may not be commercial solar panels. Commercial solar panels could reduce your energy bills if you have a suitable space and money.

There are fundamental differences between residential and commercial solar systems. There are significant differences in energy consumption and costs between each.

How much power do residential and commercial solar panels typically produce?

How much power do residential and commercial solar panels typically produce?

Commercial solar panels

Commercial customers

Residential solar panels

Residential solar panels

As a result, they are usually larger and more powerful than those for residential use. Energy costs can be lowered with commercial-sized solar panels. The efficiency of commercial solar panels can also be enhanced by customizing them.

Residential customers

Residential customers

You can expect your system to produce about 1,000 Kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power per year for each Kilowatt (kW) of installed solar panels. This is known as the "solar panel production ratio" and varies based on the location and the shade.

Solar Energy differentiates

Solar Energy differentiates

The amount of sun radiation received by residential and commercial solar panels differs. As residential structures face south, they receive less direct sunlight than commercial ones. A flat roof gives commercial systems more exposure to sunlight.

Production of solar panels rate

Production of solar panels rate

When setting up a solar system, take this into consideration. A commercial solar system could be the better choice if you reside in an area with plenty of sunshine. A residential system could be equally efficient if you have a roof facing south.

Residential vs. Commercial solar installation process

Residential vs. Commercial solar installation process

Once you understand solar power, let's look at the process of installing solar panels on homes and businesses. While the two have some similarities, they have some important differences.

Residential Solar Panel Installation vs. Commercial Solar Panel Installation:

Site Assessment:

In the beginning, it is crucial to examine the location. Sun exposure, roof quality, and obstructions that might block sunlight are all taken into account.

Engineering and Design:

After the site has been inspected, it's time to begin creating the system. In this process, the number of panels required and the type of panels to choose are determined.


In most instances, you'll need approval from your local authority before you begin building solar panels. This will ensure your installation conforms to all local laws and codes.


The installation process will differ based on the kind of system you're installing. Panels are mounted on the roof or ground, connected to electrical wiring, and then tested.

Which kind of solar panel is best for you?

It's based on your individual requirements and budget. If you're looking for ways to save money on energy costs, solar panels for residential use are a great choice. You can use commercial solar panels to offset rising energy costs and get more power. Solar panels are a great way to save money while helping the environment. Arise Solar Services installs solar panels and is aware of the different features. The systems both harness solar energy to save money while also reducing global warming. Call us at Arise Solar Services immediately!